accepting donations. We show the work behind the scenes.

Of course, it starts with the briefing.
This is already off to a good start...
Everything is packed - the first rush is over.
There's more to come. The DRK Hennef is bringing important donations for initial care. Many thanks to the DRK Hennef.
Donations delivered, already pre-sorted.
Fashion show for a good cause.
You also need a break.

Finally – the last bag of hospital clothing has been unloaded.

The first beanbag was handed in after our appeal on June 14, 2024.
Thank you on behalf of the children who will use this bean bag.
We, or rather the Ukrainian children, would be happy to receive more beanbags.
Donations are accepted as usual, every Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
in Tannenweg 10 = entrance between house numbers 8 and 10.
There is a sign in front of the door that shows the way.