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The 36th convoy is now on its way to Kharkiv


At the last moment, baby food for children's hospital loaded

The driver crew is ready to start.

The drivers have 2,604 kilometers ahead of them.

The convoy from the front and back - without Vito and trailer.

We're still practicing the group photo.

Recent charging activities.

The little one is ready to go.

Farewell guests – are the drivers doing everything right?

Vito and trailer have to come too.

The bus started on Saturday, July 13th. Many thanks to the Eifellichter – together we were able to make the transfer of the bus a reality.

The Toyota has to go – just pump some air in. Have a good trip.

Now comes the rest – all the best.

First rest stop near Kirchheim. No picture yet of Dirk lying under the car? Hopefully it stays that way.

This is again the point where we would like to say THANK YOU to all donors, especially the donors who spontaneously brought us baby food, etc. after our appeal, as well as the many donors who donated money which we were then able to use to buy food.

– You will see that the HELP arrives –

Wait – a big “THANK YOU” to all the helpers who made the transport possible.

It was a completely new experience for us to pack a bus full of donations. There was always a gap where we could fit something else in - true to the motto "everything that has a ticket for Ukraine goes in" :-).



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